In tier 5 you can upgrade your chances to phaselock another target by 20%. In tier 4 you can upgrade your phaselock cooldown rate. Also in tier 3 for 1 skill point you can acquire will pull nearby enimes toward the enemy in phaselock. In tier 3 your movement speed increase by 10% for 5 levels and your shield regeneration and reload speed increase. 5% for 5 levels and your deflection change damage reduction and deflected bullet damage also increase. In tier 2 your phaselock duration increases by. In tier 1 your shield capacity and shield recharge delay increase and also your gun damage and bullet speed increases. In this category you will be able to upgrade your phaselock abilities and upgrade other skills as follows. Finally max out the Sustenance trait to constantly regenerate health at a rapid rate, combined with Elated, you will be hard to kill. However only put three points into this, its a good recovery speed and you need the rest for Res, which is just one point and it allows phaselock to be used on a partner for instant revive when they are in "Fight for your Life". Elated can save a lot of you in a tough spot, this allows that when you phaselock an enemy, your health regenerates and also your partners, very helpful when fighting a tough boss who is wiping the floor with you.

Mind's Eye will increase critical hit damage and Sweet Release will allow life orbs to leap out after you have killed a phaselocked enemy and seek out and heal whoever needs healing.The next tier, is max health and healing bullets, I wouldn't recommend the healing bullets trait(Restoration) because you waste ammo healing partners and you can't heal yourself, instead max out Wreck because when an enemy is phaselocked, your gun damage and fire rate shoot through the roof, 30% gun damage and 50% more fire rate doesn't sound like much but when mixed with Motion tree's "Sub-sequence" its a constant hail of bullets and destruction. Place three points on Mind's Eye and Sweet Release. The Harmony tree though focused on co-op healing, it is quite powerful especially with the "Angelic Nurse" class mod. Motion tree should be, maxed out on Shield Capacity, two points on Accelerate, max out duration, max out Converge, two points on Inertia, and now max out the cooldown increase and max out Sub-sequence which will allow for when you phaselock and kill an enemy, your phaselock instead of entering a cooldown will jump to a nearby enemy and trap them for the remaining time duration. Similar to the Motion tree above, but with subtle tweaks. Ruin , the capstone skill in the tree, causes your Phaselock ability to apply the Slag, Electrocuted, and Corroded effects to all enemies near the Phaselocked target. Blight Phoenix causes you to deal constant Fire and Corrosive to nearby enemies for a few moments after a kill. Reaper adds an additional 40% Gun Damage to targets whose health is above 50%. Tiers 4, 5, and 6 are essential to this build. Adding a point into Immolate will make getting your Second Wind a tad easier, while Chain Reaction allows your bullets to ricochet toward additional targets while you have an enemy Phaselocked. Points earned beyond these may be spent in talents that best suit your play style. Place 1 point into Cloud Kill (releases a stationary Corrosive cloud when a bullet connects with an enemy, 5 second duration) Īdditional Talent Points in the Cataclysm tree:.Max out Helios (5/5 = Helios Damage: Rank 5), which will cause your Phaselock to release a Fire Nova, dealing Fire damage to nearby enemies and possibly affecting them with the Burn effect.You could add points into the Foresight skill for additional Reload Speed, but won't need it if you maxed out Inertia in the Motion tree. Max out Flicker (5/5 = 30% more likely to cause Elemental Effects with guns) to increase your chances of setting an opponent on fire, electrocuting them, etc.